Top Tips

Life coaching… it’s a bit of a joke…isn’t it?

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I must admit, my previous conceptions were that a life coach was someone who acted as if they had figured it all out and essentially gave advice to others accordingly. To be honest it made me cringe a bit.

Yet, here I am, about to embark on my own journey as a life coach and I can confirm that I firstly do not have it all figured out, and secondly definitely do not intend to give you advice on how to live your life. I mean, you’re the expert in that – not me!

What I have learnt from both experiencing coaching as both a coach and coachee is that it can be a really truly powerful way of unlocking your potential. A coach holds up a mirror and enables you to challenge yourself to be the best version of you that you can be. A coach provides you with the time, space and challenge to break the cycle of repetitive thinking, and see things in a new way – they are there to support you through your thinking and shine the light. Not provide the solution. You already hold that within you. Coaching gives you the confidence and freedom to bring that solution or decision to the surface and find tangible steps to get to where you want to be.

So there you have it. In my humble opinion, life coaching is not only not ‘just a bit of a joke’ but can actually help shape the direction of your life and can be a great ally in an often chaotic and busy world.

To find out about life coaching through my Positive Place visit the life coaching page.

New year – updated blog

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The last year has been predominately spent building the My Positive Place Facebook and Instagram feeds and consequently blogging has dropped off. Apologies. I’m back.

Recently friends have been asking me to share some of my day-to-day tips for maintaining a positive mindset and making the most of the day so I thought I’d share my top 5:

  1. Change your alarm to wake you up via a positive, uplifting song. My personal choice is Bob Marleys ‘Three Little Birds’.
  2. In the winter months, invest in a SAD lamp and use it before getting out of bed. It has really made a difference to my winter blues
  3. Factor in time to your morning routine for a 10 minute mediation and a cup of tea! Start your day off right.
  4. Spend a maximum of 20 minutes per day noting down your thoughts. Writing your thoughts down will enable you to consciously review your thought patterns, behaviours and enable you to reach more formulated conclusions. I use the One Note app on my phone to do this but keeping a written paper journal would also work.
  5. Practice gratitude daily. For the past 4 years I have used my personal Instagram account to upload a picture and a caption every day of something that has made me happy #365happydays. Some days are harder than others. But it works. And helps to remind me to appreciate the big and the small things.

So there you have it. Some simple but really effective ways of maintaining a positive mindset. Do you have tips of your own? I’d love to hear them. Let me know via the contact page.